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  • Writer's pictureMelanie Roussel

GoT Theory - Tyrion's Pact with the Devil

What was Tyrion thinking? I think I know.

Yesterday, Entertainment Weekly released an interview with Peter Dinklage about the now infamous sex scene in the episode 'The Dragon and The Wolf'. On Tyrion's feeling, Dinklage explains:

Obviously, he has feelings for Daenerys. He loves her – or thinks he does. She's awe-inspiring. He's questioning that because he doesn't have a good track record for falling in love. There's jealousy wrapped up in there. And he loves Jon Snow, too. They're the two people he has the most in common with, in a way – they're both outsiders in their own families who have refused to follow the path their family has taken, and hopefully for the better. He's wondering how smart of a move , because passion and politics don't mix well.

If that's true, I'm going to be truly disappointed.

It seems anyone who gets within Daenery's orbit falls in love with her and at this point, I'm getting a little tired of using this easy motivation to explain every action of every man around her. I had thought more of Tyrion than that.

In fact, I have a different theory altogether which I've been mulling since the end of the last series.

Earlier in 'The Dragon and The Wolf', we see Dany and Jon Snow attempting to convince Cersei that the White Walkers are a greater threat than the game of thrones. That they should put aside their differences, temporarily, to deal with it. Of course, despite all proof, Cersei refuses.

Tyrion confronts her in her chambers to change her mind. Cersei is, as always, an unbending force. The result of the meeting? Cersei pledges her support.

What could Tyrion have said to change her mind?

Obviously, she doesn't follow through on her end of the bargain, but she must have extracted some sort of promise from him.

My theory?

Cersei driving motivation isn't primarily her own ambition, but also her legacy. She embodies the Lannister philosophy that the success of the family comes above all things. How is that reflected in Cersei? Her uncompromising love and ambition for her children. Despite all her efforts, she is facing a revolution that could see a Targaryen on the Iron Throne.

However... that Targaryen cannot have children. As Tyrion himself said, after Dany dies with no heir, the world would be thrown into chaos once again.

Tyrion is playing the long game. Of course, he wants Dany on the throne, but what then? Conveniently, Cersei has a child she will do anything to see on the throne.

Which - not to mention, would in time make Tyrion the uncle of the king or queen.

Is it completely unbelievable that he would promise the throne to Cersei's child after Dany dies?

Now we have an explanation as to why he's so concerned about Dany and Jon. Maybe he, like Jon, has a mild amount of scepticism that Dany is as barren as the witch told her she was. With the possibility that she could now produce heirs to the throne, his pact with Cersei would be in real danger.

Reason enough to look worried.

But that's just my theory.

It seems to me to do more respect for Tyrion's calculating character than simply saying, well, he's in love with Dany and jealous. I'm sure I'm not the only person to have thought of this, and it seems to me a perfectly Game of Thrones type backhanded plot.

But what do you think? Have I swayed any of you? I suppose we'll find out in 2019!

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