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Melanie Roussel
Jul 9, 20242 min read
My quest to read all of Agatha Christie
A while ago, I decided I was going to read all of Christie’s works. I knew I already read the vast majority of them done - or so I thought.
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Melanie Roussel
Jun 16, 20242 min read
Are you engaging in Tsundoku?
I can only speak for myself, but I know that I've never bought a book I hadn't intended to read.
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Melanie Roussel
Dec 1, 20235 min read
I recently finished reading The Monogram Murders by Sophie Hannah. If you don't know, this is Sophie Hannah taking on the continuation...
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Melanie Roussel
Sep 21, 20223 min read
Rules are fun! Rules help CONTROL the fun.
The phrase ‘writing rules’ is pretty broad. Advice is welcomed. Directives are troublesome.
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Melanie Roussel
Oct 5, 20204 min read
The First Ghost Story
This is an ancient mould for ghost stories future writers will use for many and various hauntings.
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Melanie Roussel
Mar 29, 20202 min read
Blogging in a Lockdown
What a strange new world we find ourselves in. I guess every generation has it's one-in-a-lifetime, to tell your grandkids about, event.
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Melanie Roussel
Nov 4, 20193 min read
14 Years later, is V for Vendetta still relevant?
I think if this movie had come out today, the reviews would have been more favourable...
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Melanie Roussel
Aug 26, 20192 min read
Where do you get your ideas from?
Neil Gaiman has said: 'I make them up,' I tell them. 'Out of my head.'
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Melanie Roussel
Jul 8, 20195 min read
Why we need the Staunch Book Prize
I wasn't surprised to watch people react to the headline without reading the content. Such is the power of FURY.
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Melanie Roussel
Jul 1, 20192 min read
Where do you find your characters?
I'm a very character-driven writer and reader. I love well-crafted characters. And I've always been a people watcher.
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Melanie Roussel
May 4, 20194 min read
May the Fourth: Does it matter who shot first?
In the 1997 re-release of the movie, Greedo shoots first, misses and Han fires back. Fans were furious.
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Melanie Roussel
Apr 22, 20193 min read
Spoiler Warning
I'm going to attempt to write a whole post without spoiling anything. Except perhaps your view on spoilers.
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Melanie Roussel
Apr 2, 20194 min read
Beasts Versus Monster
A pet peeve, one I've held for a long time, is the difference between beasts and monsters.
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Melanie Roussel
Feb 1, 20193 min read
Why can't we own our books?
Fortunately for my parents, I prefer physical books to e-readers. Unfortunately for me, they prefer e-readers.
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Melanie Roussel
Sep 21, 20182 min read
The Glorious 25th of May
Today is when we remember the People’s Revolution of the Glorious 25th of May. Or you do if you’re a Terry Pratchett fan.
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Melanie Roussel
Sep 8, 20183 min read
GoT Theory - Tyrion's Pact with the Devil
It seems anyone who gets within Daenery's orbit falls in love and I'm tired of it.
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Melanie Roussel
Aug 20, 20183 min read
Westworld S2 - Thoughts and Theories
Alright, don't panic. We can figure this out together. Let's start at the beginning.
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Melanie Roussel
Aug 6, 20184 min read
The Dangers of Viral Fiction
Why do some stories hang around and others fizzle out into nothing? What makes viral fiction viral?
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Melanie Roussel
Jul 8, 20183 min read
Taking a risk is the Only way to Grow
If you don't know me, I should explain I am the master of self-sabotage.
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Melanie Roussel
Jun 10, 20183 min read
Should we care about the top 100 books?
Once a year, a list like this gets published. 100 books to read before you die.
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