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Melanie Roussel
Sep 3, 20182 min read
The Genre Hustle (Podcast Review)
If sci-fi or fantasy is your genre and you're looking for a new podcast, this is well worth the listen.
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Melanie Roussel
Aug 25, 20183 min read
The Great Moon Hoax
On the 25th August 1835, The Sun published the first of six articles announcing the discovery of life on the moon.
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Melanie Roussel
Aug 20, 20183 min read
Westworld S2 - Thoughts and Theories
Alright, don't panic. We can figure this out together. Let's start at the beginning.
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Melanie Roussel
Aug 13, 20182 min read
'Glass' promises a different kind of superhero
Who else is looking forward to a different sort of superhero movie?
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Melanie Roussel
Aug 6, 20184 min read
The Dangers of Viral Fiction
Why do some stories hang around and others fizzle out into nothing? What makes viral fiction viral?
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Melanie Roussel
Jul 21, 20183 min read
Review: 13 Steps to Evil – How to Craft Superbad Villains by Sacha Black
Do you need help to craft your villains? Do you find your bad guy lacks a certain something? Are they bad, but not quite evil? This is a...
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Melanie Roussel
Jul 8, 20183 min read
Taking a risk is the Only way to Grow
If you don't know me, I should explain I am the master of self-sabotage.
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Melanie Roussel
Jun 10, 20183 min read
Should we care about the top 100 books?
Once a year, a list like this gets published. 100 books to read before you die.
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Melanie Roussel
Feb 26, 20183 min read
Review: The Birthday Party by Harold Pinter
There are also a lot of political overtones, from brain-washing to forced conformity.
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Melanie Roussel
Jan 26, 20182 min read
Review: The Devil in the White City by Erik Larson
The Devil in the White City follows the lives of two men. Daniel Hudson Burnham and Henry H. Holmes.
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Melanie Roussel
Oct 13, 20172 min read
Review: The Astonishing Return of Norah Wells by Virginia MacGregor
As I am ever behind the times, this is a book I’ve wanted to read since it came out in 2016. Finally! 'The Astonishing Return of Norah...
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Melanie Roussel
Oct 9, 20173 min read
Prologues: Love 'em or Hate 'em
If editors, agents and publishers tell us they don't want prologues, I'm not going to go down with this particular ship.
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Melanie Roussel
Aug 28, 20174 min read
Are your characters victims or dodgers of karmic justice?
Whether that’s a god, fate or narrative causality, bad people get their comeuppance and good people get rewarded.
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Melanie Roussel
Jul 28, 20173 min read
John Finnemore, the spinner of tales
John Finnemore is one of the best comedy writers currently working.
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Melanie Roussel
Jun 19, 20172 min read
When you forget how to read
Around 2016, something awful happened. I stopped reading. I hit on these five tips to pull yourself out of a reading slump.
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